phedre barbas
 phedre barbas

Parasital structure

A parasital window for emerging designers to have a physical space in the city.

June 2022

Polished and raw steel,  transparent vinyl, chains, carabiners

This space is thought in reaction to the increasing difficulty for young practitioners to display their work in a physical shape. 

Spaces become more and more scarce,  while internet offers a space that does not always give justice to 3D, material creations made to be appreciated by passersby.

On the opposite, any city has lots of marginal spaces hackable, which this structure is made for. 

All that is needed is :
- 8 rods of steel of the same size (any size, the bigger the rods the bigger the space)
- 2 connection pieces 
- 4 carabiners 
- 2 chains 
- some vynil wrap 
-locations that are visible and yet to be appropriated. 

︎︎︎It is designed to be assembled and dismantled in less than 20 minutes, and can be hung just about anywhere without the need for any tools.

︎︎︎The structure is held by tension: pushing on it will dismantle it, and pulling on the connection pieces will reinforce it

︎︎︎The chain system helps reinforcing the tension and places the content of the displayed creations at a protected height.

Map and documentation of possible installation spots at the time of the project. Marginal but visible spaces were prioritized. These spaces become visible.
The versatility leaves space for a potential programmation, itineraries or multiplication, creating an event.