phedre barbas
 phedre barbas
Hug me, if you can

A synthesizer forcing people to hug

June 2022

Knitted mohair, cotton and acrylic


Electric components

Light sensors

This is a synthesiser!

A teensyduino microcontroller and light detectors are embedded in the blue and green sweater. The yellow sweater is made as a completing element.

The cold colored sweater is emitting an alarm, which can only be stopped when the other sweater, the “warm” one, is coming to give a hug. When the yellow sweater is going in front of the cold sweater, the alarm sound changes into drums, mimicking the heartbeats of the beginning of  hug. After some minutes, the sound of drum decreases to let space to relieving sounds.

This project’s multisensorial aspect  makes tangible the importance of social relationships, intimity, and physical contact to maintain a

good mental health, on a daily basis.

You can find a video here.